The Little Polar Bear
Watch The Little Polar Bear (2001) : Full Movie Online Free This charming animated adventure follows a young polar bear, Lars, as he befriends Robbie, a seal. Together, these two form a friendship that proves different breeds of animals can get along perfectly well.
Genre: Animation, Family, Fantasy
Production Company: Rothkirch Cartoon Film, WDR, Warner Bros. Entertainment, MaBo Filmproduktion, Torus
Release: Oct 04, 2001
Production Countries: Germany
Quality: HD
Rating: 6.1
Casts: Mijail Verona, Jeanette Biedermann, Vanessa Petruo, Ingolf Lück, Barbara Adolph, Anke Engelke, Maximilian Artajo, Jochen Busse, Mike Krüger, Bernd Stelter, Dirk Bach
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